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Recap: CALC October 2021 Coalition Meeting


Updated: Aug 16, 2022

Our CALC Coalition meeting on Wednesday October 13th was a hit. The guest artist for the event was outstanding singer Danette Hollowell who did not let a video call stop her amazing voice and energy.

Lauryn, one of our Youth Advisors then led a time traveler activity bringing out the creativity side of everyone by posing the question, "if you were to run into someone from the past or future what questions may you have for them about transportation and what questions might they have for you?" This sparked ideas from a dystopia of toll roads to a utopia of bicycle highways and free transit replacing cars and traffic.

After Lauryn's activity Amanda led a fun costume activity where she gave each person one minute per item to grab five different items and incorporate them into a costume. The costumes ranged from ‘Alan’ from The Hangover, to the Brawny Paper Towels Lumberjack. At the end all participants voted on top three costumes and the winners were awarded gift cards. Overall it was a great time to hear from the different coalition members and to discuss the future of active living and transportation.

Costume contest!
Costume contest!

Stay involved - you can visit for our upcoming meetings and links to agendas, or email for questions or a direct invite! We love to hear from you.


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