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Locally Hosted, Globally Inspired, Virtual Conversations at Denver Streets For People Summit 2020


Updated: Sep 12, 2020

Check out these captivating sessions we have planned for you at this year's Streets for People Summit. Over 4 days of virtual discussion and networking we’ll explore opportunities and resources, consider best practices from around the world and engage decision-makers, implementers and one another towards action that encourages walking, biking, rolling, and taking transit while making Denver’s neighborhoods equitable, healthy and active.

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Download the At-A-Glance Agenda as a PDF below:


Program Agenda Detail:

Listed below is the draft agenda, which is subject to changes. All sessions are available virtually. We recommend joining by computer or smartphone for the full experience, but call-in options are also available.

Walking Tour: Westwood Via Verde

Wed Sept 16th • 9am - 10:30am

*RSVP required for in-person option

Join us for a 1.5 hour walking tour through the eclectic, colorful, artist adorned Westwood neighborhood for an abbreviated version of the Westwood Via Verde, a three-mile greenway project designed to help this community improve health, equity, and climate.


  • Chris Englert, EatWalkLearn & Denver By Foot

  • Kayla Gilbert, Denver DOTI & CALC


Shared Studios Conversation: The Future of Urban Mobility

Wed Sept 16th • 11am - 12pm MT

Join this global conversation with unique voices from Stockholm, Mexico City, and Brooklyn about how they are taking the lead on creative car-mitigation measures and innovating public transportation to imagine new possibilities for the future of urban mobility.


  • Jill Locantore, Denver Streets Partnership

  • Brandon Ferderer, Shared Studios


Networking: Community Transportation Networks Trivia

Wed Sept 16th • 4pm - 4:45pm

How much do you know about the 125 miles of new bikeways coming to Denver via the Community Transportation Networks? Join our virtual team trivia to explore these important projects that will be here before you know it.


  • Cindy Ambs, Denver Streets Partnership

  • Jessica Vargas, Denver Streets Partnership

  • Paige Colton, Denver DOTI

  • Kayla Gilbert, Denver DOTI


Opening Panel: The Future of Transit in a Post-COVID World

Wed Sept 16th • 5:30pm - 7:00pm

Transit and transportation equity has played a prominent role in Denver’s history. Today, the COVID-19 pandemic is highlighting the importance of transit, creating fiscal challenges, and raising questions about how transit can best support the health and resiliency of our communities during the pandemic and beyond. Join this keynote session to hear from Cam Hardy, founder of Cincinnati’s Better Bus Coalition, and then hear from a panel of local speakers moderated by Denver DOTI’s own Executive Director, Eulois Cleckley.

Keynote Speaker:

  • Cam Hardy, Cincinnati Better Bus Coalition


  • Moderated by Eulois Cleckley, Denver DOTI

  • Cam Hardy, Cincinnati Better Bus Coalition

  • Shontel Lewis, RTD Board Member

  • Gaylon Johnson, Bus Driver

  • Aria Spears, Youth Transit Rider

  • Ryan Billings, Denver DOTI


Walking Tour: Sanderson Gulch

Thurs Sept 16th • 9am - 10:30am

*RSVP required for in-person option

Join us for a 90 minute walk of about 2.5 miles walking tour along Sanderson Gulch Trail. We will take you along with us through this beautiful trail that was once a dumping ground for trash. You will experience the beautiful changes along this trail and how it has turned into a community space for residents around this area.


  • Phuong Tran, Denver DOTI

  • Chris Englert, Denver By Foot


Shared Studios Conversation: Creating Inspiring Public Spaces

Thurs Sept 17th • 4pm - 5pm

Join this global conversation with innovative voices from across the US and the Netherlands about how they are re-imagining safe, compelling, and inclusive outdoor public spaces and innovating new possibilities for community building and engagement.


  • Eric Lazarri, Civic Center Conservancy

  • Brandon Ferderer, Shared Studios


Networking: Complete Streets Pictionary

Thurs Sept 17th • 6pm - 6:45pm

Have you ever found yourself contemplating “What do Complete Streets look like”? Join us for a fun night of Complete Streets Pictionary to draw your favorite built environment jargon terms like “vertical speed deflection” and “school zone.” Winners get social media bragging rights of being Denver’s Complete Streets Pictionary Champions!


  • David Pulsipher, Denver DOTI

  • Kayla Gilbert, Denver DOTI

  • Chasity Gentry, Denver DOTI


Panel: Bike Storytelling Session

Thurs Sept 17th • 7:30pm - 8:30pm

When a lot of us think about why we would ride a bike, we often think about getting exercise, fresh air, and enjoying the outdoors. But riding a bike is also a great way to run errands and get where you need to go. Join this session to hear local stories about how these tides are changing.


  • Moderated by: Christian Steward, Denver DOTI

  • Emily Kleinfelter, City Planner & Community Advocate

  • Michael Tipton, Claydean Electric

  • Kayla Gilbert, Denver DOTI

  • Ellen Forthofer, Denver DOTI


Shared Studios Conversation: Re-Imagining Movement

Fri Sept 18th • 10am - 11am

Join this global conversation with unique voices from Gaza, Mexico City, New York City, and here in Denver who are finding creative and exuberant ways to navigate the world and reimagine their own urban infrastructure to move people.


  • Michelle Roche

  • Brandon Ferderer, Shared Studios


Networking: All Ice-Breakers

Fri Sept 18th • 4pm - 4:45pm

With everything being virtual nowadays icebreakers can be a fun way to liven up your work meetings or even your group calls with family and friends. Icebreakers can help you loosen up your body and your mind after a long day of virtual meetings. This session is truly for anyone whether you are just getting off of work, or want an enjoyable break from the day.


  • Christian Steward, Denver DOTI & CALC

  • Lauryn Bradley, Denver DOTI & CALC


Walking Tour: 5280 Loop

Fri Sept 18th • 5:30pm - 7pm

A virtual bicycle tour of the 5280 Trail in and around Downtown Denver. This online-only, livestream tour will highlight the planned route that will link neighborhoods and connect people by reimagining underutilized streets into the essential Downtown experience uniting urban life with Colorado’s outdoor culture. Led by Andrew Iltis of the Downtown Denver Partnership.


  • Andrew Iltis, Downtown Denver Partnership


Bike Tour: Montbello FreshLo

Sat Sept 19th • 9 - 10:30am

One of four elements of the FreshLo Initiative, the walkable loop is a “healthy living loop” that connects community gardens and parks, school gardens, and the Cultural Hub with improved sidewalks, and street crossings, and bike lanes. Get ready for our Loops panel later this afternoon by freshing up on the Montbello FreshLo.


  • Mayra Gonzales, Montbello Organizing Committee

  • Christian Steward, Denver DOTI & CALC


Panel: Denver Walk/Bike Loops -- Where Are They Now?

Sat Sept 19th • 1pm - 2pm

At our 2019 Summit, we brought representatives from Montbello FreshLo Walkable Loop, the 303 Artway, the 5280 Trail, and the Westwood Via Verde to discuss their work to date and share insights on challenges, successes, and what’s next. Join this session to listen in on where they are focusing now, after another year of collaboration together and facing new and unique challenges of COVID-19 in their communities.


  • Moderated by Piep van Heuven, Bicycle Colorado

  • Mayra Gonzales, Montbello Organizing Committee & FreshLo Walkable Loop

  • Adam Perkins, Downtown Denver Partnership & 5280 Loop

  • Chandi Aldena, The Trust for Public Land & Westwood Via Verde

  • Erin Clark, 303 Artway


Closing Session: Fast & Curious - Transit and the Past/Present/Future of Denver Streets

Sat Sept 19th • 3pm - 4:30pm

Transportation plays an integral role in creating infrastructure in our city. While much of our street grid has been in place for many decades, the way we use the streets has evolved dramatically over time, as cars have come to dominate much of our public spaces. This has come into sharp relief in the last few months, as the COVID-19 pandemic and nationwide protests against police brutality and systemic racism have emphasized the role that streets play in public life. This session will feature four quick presentations in a fun, fast presentation style, showcasing stories and histories of transportation in Denver and sharing ideas for reclaiming streets for all people.


  • Emceed by Justin Adams, CBS4 Sports Reporter

    • Ryan Keeney, presenting Denver's Streetcar Legacy and Its Role in Neighborhood Walkability

  • Evan Derby, presenting Fridays at the library

  • Spencer McCullough, presenting Shared Streets, the latest craze


Don't wait! Register NOW for the Streets for People Summit on Eventbrite



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