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Summer Child Passenger Safety Tips to Keep Your Little Ones Safe


Guest Post By Jamila Bryant, Injury Prevention Program Administrator & Child Passenger Safety Technician, Denver Dept. of Transportation & Infrastructure

Are you ready for summer travel? Summer is here, and many people will be hitting the roads for summer fun in the Colorado sun and beyond. As a Child Passenger Safety Technician, the “Tech” in me thought it’d be beneficial to write a child passenger safety blog for Denver CALC, a community partner of the Denver Booster Seat And Seatbelt Engagement (BASE) Program. For more information about the BASE Program, call 720.295.2812 or email

When we are not outside in our neighborhoods being physically active or in the house spending quality time with our family and loved ones, many Denverites are out driving around exploring the City’s sites and sounds, or the colorful places the lovely state of Colorado has to offer. Now that the COVID-19 measures are easing up in Denver, with some restrictions, more people will be anxious to go outside for a drive with their family and friends. To help keep your “Little Ones” safe, here are a few safety tips on child passenger safety.

Child Passenger Safety Tips*

  • Children under 1 should ALWAYS ride in a rear-facing car seat.

  • Children should ride in a rear-facing car seat AS LONG AS POSSIBLE and until they reach the top height or weight allowed by seat manufacturer.

  • Never use a rear-facing only car seat in a front seat with an active airbag.

  • Children ages 4-7 years should be kept in a forward-facing car seat with a harness until they reach the top height or weight limit allowed by seat manufacturer.

  • Children 8-12 years should use a booster seat until they are big enough to fit properly in a seat belt.

  • To determine if a child is big enough for a seat belt, go through the 5-Step Seat Belt Checklist (see below picture).

  • The safest place for children under the age of 13 to ride in a vehicle is the back seat.

  • It’s safe to clean car seats if you follow manufacturer’s instructions.

  • Never re-use a car seat that's been involved in a crash.

  • Car seats and booster seats should not be used after their expiration date.

  • For proper placement of child passenger seats, always refer to the seat manufacturer’s manual and your vehicle’s manual.

  • Child passenger seats can be recycled. To find your nearest recycling location, check out

*The above tips are from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in partnership with the Child Passenger Safety Board and Safe Kids Worldwide.

Car Seats Colorado picture Courtesy of Colorado Department of Transportation


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