We've been up to a lot lately! Please join us on July 28th for a biking tour of community projects we've been involved with this summer.
The tour is about 7 miles long, with stops along the way to see new wayfinding along the Weir Gulch and Lakewood Gulch trails, and the new intersection art at Valverde Elementary. All projects were completed with their communities in conjunction with Walk Denver, City of Denver, Denver Environmental Health and CDPHE. Our tour leaders are Jill Locantore (WalkDenver), Kayla Gilbert (Denver Environmental Health), and several community members. Come see their fantastic efforts to encourage active living in their communities!
When: Friday, July 28, 2017
Community Bike Tour: 2:30pm – 4:15pm
Tour 3 Neighborhood Walkability Art Projects: Lakewood Gulch Trail Wayfinding, Weir Gulch Trail Wayfinding, and Valverde Elementary Intersection Mural
Networking Social: 4:30pm – 6pm @ Seedstock Brewery
Join us for a beverage and chat about our communities and health.
Community Bike Tour: Meet at the RTD Federal-Decatur Park-n-Ride (southeast corner) at 2:30pm. We will leave the station at 2:45pm. Bring your own bike or use Denver B-cycle.
Networking Social: Seedstock Brewery, 3610 W. Colfax Avenue, Denver, CO.
RSVP Shortlink: http://bit.ly/biketour0628
Hosted by: Colorado Public Health/Parks & Recreation Collaborative, WalkDenver, and Denver Environmental Health
