What is a WalkShop?
WalkShops are short for "Walking Workshops," where a small group of people will go visit and walk by foot (or wheelchair roll) the corridor to experience and document the actual built environment conditions at the site. We've found that nothing quite compares to experiencing a corridor for yourself, as many things don't translate in maps, videos, or even google street view.
Between 2015 - 2018, Denver CALC partnered with WalkDenver to conduct WalkShop Assessments with community volunteers to gather data on conditions of sidewalks and intersections in Denver. These WalkShops were completed at over 120 schools and recreation centers in Denver, where a group of people use the tools below to collect data related to the built environment. Our WalkShop Assessment includes the following surveys for blocks in approximately 1/4 mile radius around each site:
- School or Recreation Center Site Assessment: Overall Rating & Amenities
- Pedestrian Assessment: Sidewalk Quality & Intersection Quality surveys (see data mapped below)
- Biking Assessment: Overall Rating, Facility Type, & Amenities
- Bus Stop Assessment: Overall Rating & Amenities
All Paper Assessment Tools, Data Captain & Volunteer Guides, and other Assessment Materials are available on the Public Google Drive here.
The Pedestrian Assessment was done using a tool called WALKscope. This tool is no longer functional to input data; however, we have set up a viewer below to view archived sidewalk and intersection quality ratings below.
WALKscope Pedestrian Assessment Ratings
Between 2015 - 2018, Denver CALC partnered with WalkDenver to conduct WalkShop Assessments with community volunteers to gather data on conditions of sidewalks and intersections in Denver. You can view some of this data below.
How to Use this Map:
Click on each dot to learn more information about assessment on that block or intersection.
The data is color coded by "Quality Rating" of each sidewalk and intersection evaluated, with the lighter green meaning higher quality ratings, and the darker rating meaning lower quality ratings.
Click on the double arrow in the top left corner of the map to view the legend and turn layers on/off.
Use the "+ / -" buttons to zoom in or out.
For more details on this data and other metrics within it, contact us at calc@denvergov.org